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- used in the formation of compound words to denote moisture, is wetness as a linking/leaking force.

In ancient Greece the female body was defined by excessive moisture and deemed less articulated than its idealised male counterpart. To participate in wetness was to be more porous to the world and the processes of life at the cost of form. Artfully draped nudes, vegetal/animal forms and the various human and non human hybrids of the mythological imagination; these figures, seen as threatening to classical order and control, were relegated to the ornamental margins, becoming containers for the wild potentialities of liquidity.

But liquidity is inescapable and in its very nature uncontainable, it eventually seeps and penetrates even the most polished and disciplined of structures. “Hygro” explores the liquid body and the classical body rubbing up against each other. A combination of documented moments and constructed encounters- flesh and stone, animate and inanimate, old and new- all flow into one another within a surreal landscape. The female nude becomes a conduit, ebbing and flowing across time and space it asserts itself within a shimmering web of material relations, creaturely associations and looping cycles of life and decay.


HYGRO is a solo show by artist duo Honey Long & Prue Stent. 


10th July to 31st August  2024, R Gallery, 26 Tigne Street, Sliema.

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